Mathers' Macerated Abramelin oil

Mathers' Macerated Abramelin oil


"The Holy Oil is the Aspiration of the Magician; it is that which consecrates him to the performance of the Great Work; and such is its efficacy that it also consecrates all the furniture of the Temple and the instruments thereof. It is also the grace or chrism; for this aspiration is not ambition; it is a quality bestowed from above. For this reason the Magician will anoint first the top of his head before proceeding to consecrate the lower centres in their turn (...) It is the pure light translated into terms of desire. It is not the Will of the Magician, the desire of the lower to reach the higher; but it is that spark of the higher in the Magician which wishes to unite the lower with itself."
-Aleister Crowley

This oil was created using the recipe of S.L. Mathers. All ingredients were used in their whole form, manually pulverized, mixed, then left to steep for one month atop the altar of Frater Yaramarud. Each purchase is for 1 fluid ounce.

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